Eagle's Eye Art Gallery presents an exciting series of artworks by Singaporean Artist - Patrick Teo - at the exhibition Those Were The Days. The artworks will feature the nostalgic scenes and life in Singapore from the 1950s to 1960s.
This exhibition hopes to revive memories of the good old days and illustrate the daily life and activities during that era. The paintings will also convey children playing and having fun in the simplest of ways, although they underscore a childhood that was far from easy. Teo's first few years were lived under the Japanese Occupation. His family struggled through the post war years and were always hungry. Having lived in a tumultuous era of Singapore history and survived the Second World War, Teo has a radically different perspective of life.
Teo thrives in adversity and chooses to celebrate life during hard times. His art highlights moments of happiness in spite of desperate economic circumstances. His paintings depict the happy faces of children and their laughter. The faces and gestures of the characters in Teo's paintings reveal their idiosyncrasies. Their expressions are dramatic and hilarious. What emerges from the collective artistic expression is the testimony of their trials and triumphs of the tenacious human spirit.
Teo is a contemporary artist who illustrates traditional themed subjects in a novel way. To reach out to a broader spectrum of the public, he reinvents the traditional artistic practice to make his art relevant to modern society.
He paints using the linear technique engulfed in expressionistic hues. The paintings look aesthetically refreshing and modern. Teo hopes to inspire younger artists to be true to their roots and identity, yet create art that is contemporary in outlook.
The target audience is mainly the young. By learning about the past and the lives of their forefathers, they will value their Singaporean heritage and grow to cherish their family and country. As for the older Singaporeans, the paintings will evoke identification and trigger nostalgia. The paintings become interesting social narratives as they illustrate the joys and sufferings of individuals during the 1960s.
"The future of Patrick Teo shows great promise. His paintings are imbued with creativity, imagination, and artistic inventiveness. With each new painting that he creates, he proved to be an artistic genius." ~ Gallery Director, Eagle's Eye Art Gallery